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Ankle sprains are common among active individuals, especially athletes who play sports such as basketball or soccer. However, jogging, running, cheerleading, and gymnastics are linked to ankle sprains ...more
Have you ever heard the phrase “exercise is the best medicine?”
Neurocognitive training is a useful brain-stimulating activity that involves being actively engaged in tasks that challenge the brain. Computer-based tasks, creative writing, dance, theater, or music- ...more
Many people experience the aches and pains of arthritis, especially as they age. In fact, arthritis is the most common chronic condition in people over age 65 in North America. While once thought of a ...more
Falls are among the leading causes of serious injury (e.g., fractures) and death for seniors in the United States. There are a number of factors that play a role in an individual's ability to maintain ...more
A serious back injury, major back surgery, or experiencing occasional back pain can all disrupt your normal routine and lead you to become less active. If the pain starts to become unbearable, it may ...more
For many people, gardening is a pleasurable activity that reaps beautiful blossoms and sometimes a bountiful harvest of fruits and vegetables. Individuals can enjoy gardening for hours as long as they ...more
Nearly all of us are isolating at home for the good of society. How can we stay physically and mentally healthy during this challenging time?
At Skill Builders, your health and well-being is our top priority.
Tennis elbow, which is also known as lateral epicondylitis/epicondylalgia, is a painful condition that develops when the muscles and tendons that extend from the forearm to the outer portion of the el ...more
A repetitive strain injury refers to recurring pain affecting the nerves, muscles, or tendons of a joint due to tissue damage that is caused by repetitive movements. In the arms, this particular type ...more
A shin splint, which is also known as tibial stress syndrome, refers to a painful shin injury that may occur due to overexerted muscles in the lower legs, having flat feet, an increased body mass inde ...more
While taping as a therapeutic technique has been used since around the 1800’s, elastic taping, such as Kinesiotape (KT) and Rock Tape, have recently become quite popular in the rehabilitation in ...more
Back pain is one of the most common causes of missed days from work and job-related disabilities. The occurrence of back pain is fairly equal for both men and women, and can have a wide ranges of caus ...more
Concussions have been recognized as a clinical condition for more than 1,000 years, and during the 20th century concussion was studied extensively in boxers. However, interest in concussion didn&rsquo ...more
The labrum is an important cartilage ring that promotes stability and shock absorption in the shoulders and hips. It is attached to the outer rim of the shoulder socket and helps keep the ball of the ...more
Shoulder pain is a leading musculoskeletal complaint seen in primary care provider offices, with rotator cuff injuries accounting for 64% of shoulder-related visits.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep is a vital component to our health and well-being. While all of the key functions of sleep have not yet been fully uncovered, research suggests that s ...more
Chronic pain is one of the leading conditions that primary healthcare professionals encounter in their practice, particularly in patients over the age of 65. Chronic pain in the older population is as ...more
Ensuring that your body’s cells are young and healthy is one of the keys to staying young. Current research shows that there is a link between exercise and young, healthy cell DNA. The abbreviat ...more
Back pain is one of the most common health problems that causes physical disabilities. However, if you are experiencing back pain, you don’t have to just grin and bear it.
Regular physical activity is good for your health and can lengthen your life; the problem is that most of us aren’t getting enough of it. The good news is that exercise doesn’t have to be ...more
Golf is a global sport that people of all ages and abilities participate in, that typically involves long periods of low intensity exercise combined with short bursts of intense activity. Regardless o ...more
Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that can affect the joints, cartilage, muscles, and bones in your body. The pain and discomfort that arthritis causes can also lead to a reduced range of motion ...more
It has been estimated that approximately 24% of adults experience issues related to their feet, and the prevalence of injury increases with age. The pain that an individual experiences with a foot inj ...more
By 2050, the global population of individuals over the age of 65 will increase by 188%. As a consequence of the aging population, there has been a noticeable increase in the prevalence of “disea ...more
If you suffer from joint pain that is restricting your range of motion and interfering with your daily activities, there is help available. Physiotherapy can help to reduce your joint pain and improve ...more
Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease found in humans and is often silent until it’s complicated by fractures that typically occur following minimal trauma. Osteoporosis is characterized ...more
With the school year quickly approaching parents should be mindful of the potential hazards of their child’s backpack. Wearing a backpack that is too heavy or improperly proportioned can result ...more
In this newsletter we are discussing how to recognize the signs of a calf strain along with management and treatment approaches including physiotherapy.
CrossFit is a high intensity training regimen that is characterized by workouts that are short, intense, and constantly varied. Several slightly elevated risks for injury have been reported in relatio ...more
You may be thinking about taking a summer vacation over the next few months, and while this may sound exciting, it has the potential to be a little hazardous to your health. Travelling results in prol ...more
A healthy lower back helps keep our bodies upright, allows us to bend, twist and move and supports most of our body weight.
Have you been experiencing frequent neck pain or stiffness? Many adults are currently struggling with this issue. Recurring pain that is not properly addressed can dramatically decrease your quality ...more
Regular exercise improves your health and lengthens your life. But this doesn't mean you have to spend long hours within the walls of a gym or be confined to the sidewalks of your neighborhood. Hiking ...more
People who enjoy engaging in outdoor activities may be tempted to become less active when the winter months set in, but there are several ways to continue getting regular exercise during this time of ...more
Are you suffering from recurring pain in one of your joints? You may be experiencing a repetitive strain injury and this painful ailment may become chronic if it is not treated properly. Your joint ma ...more
Did you know that although Tennis Elbow has been named due to its common affliction of tennis players, anyone can experience pain due to injury of the muscles and tendons near the elbow?
If you suffer from chronic pain, you’re not alone; approximately one third of Americans have the same medical condition. Not only can chronic pain be debilitating, it can also have a negative im ...more
A shin splint, which is medically referred to as tibial stress syndrome, is a painful injury to the shin that commonly affects runners, but also dancers and other athletes.
While carrying out activities such as daily chores, working, running errands, or taking care of children, maintaining good posture may be the last thing on a person’s mind. However, neglecting y ...more
Maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly helps ensure that the body has enough nutrients and energy to perform daily tasks without experiencing pain or getting quickly fatigued. Proper diet ...more
With March Madness just around the corner in addition to the NBA and NHL playoffs, many people will soon be gearing up for various types of athletic events. Although regular exercise is highly recomme ...more
Understanding Calf Sprains A calf strain is a painful injury that is the result of a pulled or torn calf muscle. The pain is usually felt in the back of the lower leg immediately after the injury has ...more

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